Friday 30 January 2009

A Peacefull Protest a sign of the times

On Thursday morning tucked away in a quiet back street of Westminster was this little gathering of people protesting about the mindless wastage of food (in this case Fish) the EU forces on the UK. The fish in the foreground was donated by an Essex fisherman the protesters (about 15 of them) are real and not rent a crowd, the building that they are outside is the European Parliament Office In London - Every now and again they would all chant their war cry and sounded for all the world like a hundred people were shouting it really resonated off the walls, the noise was so loud that I could hear it a street away . Then they would stop and stand around chatting - very British like. There was a film crew there and a mobile news unit and whats more their own office was just behind me directly opposite the EU offices. They probably all met in the Pub at lunchtime - anyone for Cod & Chips!

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