Monday 25 February 2008


I’ve just spent a few moments flicking through this months edition of the gazette – it’s the AGM edition so packed full of loads of facts about the area and the good deeds done by the jolly folk of Petts Wood, - this edition is no different form the 11 that fall through the letterbox each month apart from the fact that tucked away on page 22 is the annual accounts looking for the world like a 9 year old has totted up the expenses, but very nicely done and good to see we're in profit.

There are the usual assorted objections to planning permission, the funniest of which is the objection to Fab Kabab's appeal to operate a hot food take away – that’s just what’s missing from Petts Wood, another a hot food take away.

Two whole pages are given over to Squirrels, several questions are posed from "Why are there so many Grey Squirrels" to "How can I encourage them in my garden" , not our garden as we already have them, "Do they cause problems" , "What can I feed them on" and "How can I get rid of them", each answer is priceless – Old Ed Grundy could learn a thing or two from the folks who live in Petts Wood - Borchester Echo eat your heart out..

Thursday 21 February 2008

We love our Dad

I'm enjoying this

You would never believe the mess this little princess got in to

Wednesday 20 February 2008

I'm 3 today

Its my birthday and this is my new party frock
I do hope you like it

What Daylight

The Daylight Inn in foggy, cold and wet Petts Wood; it looks like a scene from a horror film but its just Station Square on February 20th at 8.35 in the morning, the fog hung around all day and it's very cold and wet

Monday 18 February 2008

Dreaming of Africa

Free Giraffe

Most people pay good money to get this close to a Giraffe; not many things are free these days especially in London, but this little chap could be easily seen from the pavement out side London Zoo for free; his mate was next door scratching his neck, they both seemed to be enjoying the sunshine and quite oblivious of all the people looking at them.

Camera Canon G9 24x times digital zoom

Sunday 17 February 2008

Easy on Sunday morning

This Fox was in Mary's garden enjoying the sunshine, the shady parts of the Garden still has a coating of frost so it must be nice and warm for him in the sun, as careful as I could be when opening the window he still heard me, after I had taken this picture he curled his tail around him and fell asleep, he's still there some 25 minutes later. Ah bless...........
Picture details: Canon G9 - 24 x zoom hand held

Saturday 16 February 2008

One last Look

A little Oasis in Petts Wood - this may well be the last time that you see it, it looked good in the sunshine this morning, all the shadowy bits still had frost on them, the fish in the pond were deep down resting on the bottom, I gave them a few sticks of food, I might repatriate them to a bigger pond soon. glad I'm not a fish.

I'm first

Others are set to follow but this single little Daffodil is the first to flower in what was your garden, the rest will be out in a day or two, the garden looks good with lots of plants ready to burst into colour - whilst taking this shot I could hear some scratching on the other side of the fence - I kept quite thinking it might be a squirel or some other rodent and I was right, it was ...........Ron the nosy rat scratching around in the shade in the frost - it was cold not much above freezing ....poor old Ron perhaps I will give him some nice blue seeds to nibble on?

Flowers, Champagne and Candles

This is the tree in Southborough Lane that stopped the Mini on Sunday morning, as you can see its covered if flowers, at the base there are cards, photographs, loads of soft toys, candles, vases and surprisingly plenty of booze, there are cans of Stella, bottles of Champagne, Jack Daniels, bottles of Becks and more – one 21 year old man died, the other 6 occupants are in various stats of recovery with a 15 year old girl still on life support – it happened around 1.55 Sunday morning – 7 young people in a Mini !!

Morrisons the saviour

This one is for Ruth – if you turn the sound up you might just hear the purple rinses crashing into each other up and down the isles!!

Whats Happened this week

Well not much if this picture is anything to go by, we're told this is going to be a new Pizza Express with a dentist above (is this any reflection on the quality of the dough balls that they might be serving) no progress for about three weeks now perhaps they've run into problems? Watch this space!

Tuesday 12 February 2008

A bonny bouncing baby

Nanny gets to grip with this bouncing lark

I've repacked

I’ve repacked this case a dozen times but it still weighs 37 kilos, I might have to leave out the tub of dead sea mud ?

Making Room

I'm sure I could get him in if I just make some room.

I promiss to be good dad! No crying honest! just dont put me in the case.

Butter wouldn’t melt

Three real cool kids

Monday 11 February 2008

The three rascals'

Look he's off again, pointing a camera at us, I've had 5 years of this stuff, now its your turn!

"Yes I know, my mum and dad are just the same, it must run in the family; I even have my own blog site!!

"Oh look a camera, I do like a camera"

who said what?

My Auntie

This is your Auntie, she's holding you tight, we wonder how big you will be next time you see her


I myself would never be seen on a Camel, they are ugly and full of sand, and besides Brown clashes with my favourite colour, Pink!

Two Cousins

Two cousins discussing the merits of Camel riding: "Granddad says that if I tweak their ears they’ll run faster"!
Ah yes, but if you fall off they get the hump!


Two Brothers with the newest edition, I've actually managed to capture them both smiling, this is a first!

Some of the family

In the begining

The purpose of this blog is to give some of our family who now live abroad the oportunity to keep up to date with whats happening back home, a sort of a visual diary you might say?